

08 Jan 2018

angular directives

Currently enrolled in Udemy’s- the complete guide to angular 2. Notes from Lesson 1 and 2

Link to Assignment 3 - Directives

What are Directives?

  • A directive is an instruction for a DOM element
  • It is a marker on a DOM element (attribute, element name, CSS class) that Angular uses to compile to the HTML ($compile) and attach the instruction to the DOM element and its children

Structural Directives

  • annotated by the *
  • *ngIf and *ngFor are most commonly used

  • Example:

    <p *ngIf="expression">Show me!</p>


  • directive that conditionally adds or remove content from the DOM based on whether or not the expression evaluates to true or false

  • *ngIf else
    • can use the ng-template directive with a marker for else conditions
  • Example:

    <p *ngIf="conditional expression; 
    else markerThatMatchesngTemplate">
    I satisfied the if statement</p>
    <ng-template #markerThatMatchesngTemplate>
      <p>I satisfy the else statement</p>

Attribute Directives

  • attribute directives only change the element that they were placed on. They don’t add or remove elements, unlike structural directives.

ngStyle & ngClass

  • directives that allow you to set CSS styling on an HTML element conditionally.
  • NOTE:
    • for class name (ngClass):
      • single quotes for dash syntax
        • [ngClass]="{'css-class': conditionExpressionOrMethod()}"
      • camel case
        • [ngClass]="{cssClass: conditionExpressionOrMethod()}"
  • Example:

     [ngStyle]="{cssStyle: conditonalMethod()}"
     [ngClass]="{cssClass: conditionExpressionOrMethod()}"> 
     This text will be styled according to the above expressions


  • directive that displays an iterable data structure.
  • remember to use the let oneItem of iterable syntax!

<p *ngFor="let item of items">{{ item.name }}</p>

Til next time,
lovelejess at 17:45
