

17 Oct 2015

bash commands set e

Wow. Sorry. It’s been a while. There really is no excuse why I haven’t posted since my first blog.

Summer has ended, WINTER IS COMING, so been trying to enjoy the outdoors as much as I can before I have to hibernate. I think my github contributions is directly correlated to how cold it is outside :)

I’ve learned a lot of things since then! I want to be a keyboard whiz so I’m learning more about vim and bash to increase my productivity!

Here are some cool tutorials and cheat sheets that I have found useful in my bash and vim adventures:

Bash Interactive Tutorial

Explain Shell

Vim CheatSheet

Enter the command: vimtutorial in your terminal, & you have an interactive tutorial for vim!

So here’s what I have learned today since it’s fresh in my memory!

##What does ‘set -e’ do?

set -e causes the shell to exit if any subcommand returns a nonzero exit status

set +e no exit on a non-zero status

You can turn this on and off throughout a bash script, for example:

set -e
bash code #if this code returns a non zero exit status then the script will terminate
set +e
bash code #this code does not terminate on a non zero exit status

Til next time,
lovelejess at 09:27
