21 Aug 2018
swift4: deeper dive- types
Currently enrolled in Udemy’s- The Complete iOS 11 & Swift Developer Course Notes from Lesson 4
What is Swift?
Notes from Apple’s Swift 4 Developer page
- used to develop iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS
- released in 2014 and is open source
- built with the LLVM compiler
- easy to learn:
- interactive and fast feedback with Swift Playgrounds & REPL (Read, Eval, Print, Loop) in Xcode
- designed for safety
- automatic memory management
- type safety
- null safety
Using var vs let
is to indicate that the variable’s value may change over it lifetimelet
is to indicate that the variable’s value may NOT change over its lifetime- best practice is to use
whenever possible, because it prevents unintended value changes
Type Conversions
- can convert types into other types by
- e.g.
let myFloat1 = 9.02 print(String(myFloat1))
- can explicity declare the types of variables
- helpful when you want to declare an array of doubles, but not give them decimal values
- e.g.
var myDouble: [Double] = [1,2,3] //these are actually doubles [1.0, 2.0, 3.0]
- e.g.
- helpful when you want to declare an array of doubles, but not give them decimal values
- cool things to note:
- although not recommended, can have mix typed arrays, where its type is
- example:
let mixArray: Any = ["hey", 0, false]
- example:
- initializing an empty array of a type:
let stringArray = [String]()
- although not recommended, can have mix typed arrays, where its type is
- syntax of a dictionary;
let dictionary = ["key": "value"]
- optionals are returned when retrieving a value from a dictionary as a default :
- or can force unwrap it and return the raw value, if you know for certain that they key exists:
Til next time,
at 10:36