

04 Mar 2018

angular routes query parameterization

Angular Query Parameters

  • To create a url with parameters, query parameters, and fragments, use the following properties: routerLink, queryParams, fragment
  • example to create a url for this: http://localhost:4200/servers/5/edit?allowEdit=1#loading

  • in html:

              [routerLink]="['/servers', 5, 'edit']"
              [queryParams]="{allowEdit: '1'}"
  • in typescript:

      onLoadServer() {
          this.router.navigate( ["/servers", 5, 'edit'], 
                              { queryParams: { allowEdit: '1' }, 
                                  fragment: 'loading'

Angular Routes Hierarchy

  • the order of the routes defined in the Routes array in app.module.ts is important because they are hierarchical.
  • more specifcally, to add a “catch all” /not-found url, make sure you add that last in your routes list.

      const appRoutes: Routes = [
      {path: '', component: HomeComponent},
      {path: 'not-found', component: PageNotFoundComponent},
      {path: '**', redirectTo: '/not-found' }
  • the path defined as ** is a wildcard and because it is last in the hierarchy it is a catch all path that will redirect to /not-found

  • a common gotcha is to define the path as empty and redirect to:

      { path: '', redirectTo: '/somewhere-else' } 
  • but this will always redirect you to /somewhere-else you no matter what URL you navigate to because Angular’s default matching strategy is to match by prefix. Since /here is preceeded with / it will always match ` ` , so be sure to use pathMatch: 'full' to indicate that that the URL has to match exactly.

      { path: '', redirectTo: '/somewhere-else', pathMatch: 'full' } 

Guarding Routes via CanActivate

  • adding the canActivate property to a defined Route will guard access to that route if set to true or false.
    • can also do the same with it’s nested children via canActivateChild
  • must implement the CanActivate interface and define the Route with the canActivate property as follows:

  • auth-guard.service.ts
      export class AuthGuardService implements CanActivate {
          public canActivate(route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot, 
                          state: RouterStateSnapshot): boolean | Observable<boolean> | Promise<boolean> {
              return true;
  • app-routing.module.ts
      const appRoutes: Routes = [
          {path: '', component: HomeComponent, pathMatch: 'full'},
          {path: 'servers', canActivate: [AuthGuardService], component: ServersComponent},
          imports: [  
          exports: [RouterModule]
      export class AppRoutingModule {

Passing Static Data through Routes

  • use the data property in the Route object.

  • example:
    • navigating to /this-url-doesnt-exist will re-route you to /not-found and display “Page Not Found!”
  • app-routing.module.ts
      const appRoutes: Routes = [
          {path: 'not-found', component: ErrorPageComponent, 
              data: {message: 'Page Not Found!'}},
          {path: '**', redirectTo: '/not-found' }
  • error-page.component.html

      import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
      import { Data, ActivatedRoute } from '@angular/router';
          selector: 'app-error-page',
          template: `<h4></h4>`,
          styleUrls: ['./error-page.component.css']
      export class ErrorPageComponent implements OnInit {
          public errorMessage: string;
          constructor(private route: ActivatedRoute) { }
          ngOnInit() {
              // this.errorMessage = this.route.snapshot.data['message']; 
              this.route.data.subscribe((data: Data) => {
                  this.errorMessage = data.message;

Til next time,
lovelejess at 21:23
