

10 Feb 2018

angular services and dependency injection

Angular Services

  • services provide a way for an application to organize its business logic into a common place and to maintain and share data throughout the application’s lifetime.
  • services in angular are hierarchical. Wherever you inject them, the same instance of the service is available to itself and all of its children.
    • Injecting a service at AppModule level:
      • the same service instance is provided throughout the entire application
    • Injecting a service at AppComponent level:
      • the same service instance is provided for all the components in the application and all of its children, but not for any other services
    • Injecting a service at Component level:
      • the same service instance is provided throughout the component itself and all of its children

How To Create an Angular Service

1. Create your service:

  • restaurant.service.ts

      export class RestaurantService {
          private order: Order = [];
          addOrder(order: Order){

2. Inject the service in the app module, app component, or component:

App Module Level:

  • the key is to inject the service via the app.module.ts providers list

  • lovelejess-restaurant.component.ts

      import { RestaurantService }
          selector: 'app-lovelejess-restaurant'
      export class LovelejessRestaurantComponent {
          constructor(private restaurantService: RestaurantService) {}
          onOrderReceived(order: Order) {
  • app.module.ts

      declarations: [
      imports: [
      providers: [RestaurantService], 
      bootstrap: [AppComponent]
      export class AppModule { }

App Component Level

  • the key is to inject the service via the app.component.ts providers list

  • app.component.ts

      import { RestaurantService }
          selector: 'app-component'
          providers: [RestaurantService]
      export class AppComponent {
          constructor(private restaurantService: RestaurantService) {}
          onOrderReceived(order: Order) {

Component Level

  • the key is to inject the service via the component’s providers list

  • lovelejess-restaurant.component.ts

      import { RestaurantService }
          selector: 'app-lovelejess-restaurant'
          providers: [RestaurantService]
      export class LovelejessRestaurantComponent {
          constructor(private restaurantService: RestaurantService) {}
          onOrderReceived(order: Order) {

Til next time,
lovelejess at 14:06
