

26 Dec 2019

iOS - delegate pattern

iOS Delegate Pattern

  • Use the delegate pattern when an object needs to communicate with its owner in a decoupled manner.

  • delegate an object that executes a group of methods on behalf of another object
  • protocol is a list of methods that a delegate must implement
    • any object that fulfills the protocol can become the delegate
  • View
    • The object that will have the delegate
  • ViewController
    • Can implement the delegate or another class can

Examples of Protocols

ClimberBelayer Protocol

public protocol ClimberBelayerProtocol: class {
    Implement this protocol method when climber is ready to start climbing
    func onBelay()
    Implement this protocol method when climber is starting to climb
    func climbing()
    Implement this protocol method when climber is about to fall
    func falling()


class ClimbingSession: ClimberBelayerProtocol {
    var climber: Climber?
    var belayer: Belayer?

    init() {
        climber = Climber(name: "Jess", weight: 115)
        belayer = Belayer(name: "Hannah", weight: 105)
        climber.climberBelayerDelegate = self
    func onBelay() {
        print("Belay is on")
    func climbing() {
        print("Climb on")
    func falling() {
        print("I've got you")

public class Climber {
    public var name: String?
    public var weight: Float?
    public weak var climberBelayerDelegate: ClimberBelayerProtocol?
    init(name: String, weight: Float) {
        self.name = name
        self.weight = weight

public class Belayer {
    public var name: String?
    public var weight: Float?
    init(name: String, weight: Float) {
        self.name = name
        self.weight = weight

Til next time,
lovelejess at 11:58
