24 Nov 2019
swift 5 - object oriented
Swift 5 - Object Oriented
copy-on-write optimization
- copy-on-write optimization happens when one of its copies are modified. The copy that is being modified replaces its storage with a unique copy of itself, which is modified in place. The one that is modified incurs the cost of copying.
class Numbers {
var value = 0
var originalArray = [Numbers(), Numbers()]
var copiedArray = originalArray
originalArray[0].value = 1
//: Updated value is reflected in both arrays because the line above only modifies the `value` of the object, `Numbers`
// originalArray = [1,0]
// copiedArray = [1,0]
originalArray[0] = Numbers()
//: Updated value is NOT reflected in both arrays because the line above modifies the entire object, `Numbers`. Now it references a different object for index 0
// originalArray = [0,0]
// copiedArray = [1,0]
- In Swift, a class can only inherit from one parent class
class Shape {
var height: Double = 0
var width: Double = 0
init(height: Double, width: Double) {
self.height = height
self.width = width
public func calculateArea() -> Double {
return height * width
//: Triangle inherits from Shape
class Triangle: Shape {
var base: Double = 0
init(height: Double, width: Double, base: Double) {
//: Calls the parent class, Shape's init
super.init(height: height, width: width)
self.base = base
// overrides the parent class' function since it has a different implementation
override public func calculateArea() -> Double {
return (height * base) / 2
var triangle = Triangle(height: 1.0, width: 2.0, base: 4)
- an object that can take on many forms
//: Triangle is of type Shape (the parent class) but it's also of type Triangle
var triangle: Shape
triangle = Triangle(height: 1.0, width: 2.0, base: 4)
- a protocol is similar to a contract. Any class that adheres to the protocol must implement every method on the protocol’s list
- a protocol is a type and can be treated as such.
protocol Business {
func sell() -> String
func stockInventory() -> Bool
- an extension enables you to add functionality to a class without ever modifying the original class definition.
extension GroceryStore: Business {
func orderOnline() -> String {
pass by value vs pass by reference
pass by value
- an instance of a struct or a parameter
- does not share or reference the same memory address for that instance
- changing a property on the instance will only apply to the copy, and the original instance will remain unchanged.
pass by reference
- an instance of a class
- shares or references the same memory address for that instance
- changing a value on a copy will also modify the original instance, since the copy is referencing the original.
Til next time,
at 11:00