

24 Nov 2019

swift 5 - strings & collections

Swift 5 - Strings

What is a String?

  • Hey, did you know a string in swift is a struct under the hood?
  • This means that strings are passed by value and have several properties and methods that we can use to manipulate our strings
  • To instantiate a string, use parentheses, like let myCoolString = String()


  • Many of the functions for string manipulation are mutating - they modify the string variable’s contents directly, instead of returning a new string.
  • You’ll see that each of the below functions have a mutating keyword before it’s function declaration.
  • Examples:
    • append()
      • mutating func append(_ other: String)
    • removeFirst()
      • @discardableResult mutating func removeFirst() -> Character
    • removeLast()
      • @discardableResult mutating func removeLast() -> Character

Swift 5 - Collections

What is an Array?

  • An array is list of ordered items
var numbers = Array<Double>()

//: This is syntactic sugar for the above
var moreNumbers = [Double]()

//: Array literal syntax. Uses type inference to determine the type is an array of doubles
let differentNumbers = [97.5, 98.5, 99.0]

What is a Dictionary?

  • An dictionary is a list of unique key,value pairs
var myDictionary = [String:String]()

//: This is syntactic sugar for the above
var addressBook = ["jess": "123 Drury Lane", "bob": "345 Candy Lane", "alice": "85 Yellow Brick Road"]

Removing Items from Dictionary

var presidentialPetsDict = ["Barack Obama":"Bo", "Bill Clinton":"Socks",
    "George Bush":"Miss Beazley", "Ronald Reagan":"Lucky"]

presidentialPetsDict["George W. Bush"] = presidentialPetsDict["George Bush"] 
presidentialPetsDict["George Bush"] = nil 

//: Same as above
var oldValue = presidentialPetsDict.removeValueForKey("George Bush")
presidentialPetsDict["George W. Bush"] = oldValue

What is an Set?

  • An set is a list of unique, unordered items
var students = Set<String>()

//: This is syntactic sugar for the above
var students:Set = ["student1", "student2", "student4"]

No Duplicates Allowed!

  • You can try to add duplicates to the set, but Swift will not update the Set with the duplicate because sets have no duplicates
var students:Set = ["student1", "student2", "student4"]
// This does nothing

Til next time,
lovelejess at 08:03
